
SFC fines up 200% this year

“The multiplier approach was adopted in that case to ensure that the penalty was proportionate to the misconduct, in order to achieve the intended deterrent effect,” Atkinson said.


Rothschild Trust Poised for MBO?

The move wouldn't entirely surprise, given that wealth managers have increasingly separated themselves from trust arms for governance reasons in recent years.


ASIC bans Spectrum Wealth adviser

Mehra didn't compare the features and costs of any existing insurance recommended to clients and base his judgements on the clients' relevant circumstances, ASIC said.


Asean — looking to boom

Looking at GDP growth of the Asean-5 — Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines have been experiencing fairly high and stable growth.


RCBC partners with KB Kookmin Bank

According to the agreement, both banks will establish “mutual cooperation for maintaining and increasing corporate customer base,” among others.


The importance of international co-operation

Speech by Megan Butler, Executive Director of Supervision - Investment, Wholesale and Specialists at the FCA, delivered at The Pan Asian Regulatory Summit 2018, Hong Kong.