
Trident Trust - Full Steam Ahead for the Asia Funds Express

The alternatives sector now manages more than USD3 trillion, with the last quarter seeing a significant rise in global hedge fund assets, as investors funnelled money into strategies that profit from dislocations to markets.


Four Magellan funds list on Chi-X exchange

Chi-X said the addition of the Magellan funds would offer a low-cost alternative for those seeking access to Magellan’s research and investment experience.


Investors back EMs for outperformance

The proportion of investors who thought emerging markets would be the best-performing asset class in the next 12 months rose 10% month-on-month to 60% and BofA said this was the preferred asset class by a “large margin”.


Redpoint wins $50m mandate

Redpoint fund manager partner GSFM's chief executive Damien McIntyre said the ongoing economic, social and health impacts of COVID-19 globally have reinforced the desire of many investors to consider investments focused on SRI.


AIA to launch income protection product

IP CORE sits at the lower end of the cost spectrum, next to the basic Income Protection Accident Only/Super Income Protection Accident Only cover.