
PIMCO to launch fixed income LIT

“We see opportunities for income generation across global markets, but careful security selection and a flexible investment approach are key. PIMCO’s experience in managing listed investment structures and our deep presence in both public and


PM Capital fails to secure PAF trust

PM Capital came under scrutiny in the week prior to the vote after the Australian Government Takeover Panel found there had been “unacceptable circumstances” regarding purchases of shares in PAF by PM Capital and Moore Group (the associated en


Korea Exchange seeks bids for 90 billion won mandate

Korea Exchange’s last tender was in December 2020, when it sought two managers for a 150 billion won mandate for multi-asset and absolute return strategies. Like most Korean institutions, the bourse rarely announces tender results publicly.


Robeco launches new sustainable index fund

"The fund addresses the pitfalls of passive investing, actively integrates ESG criteria, and is a sustainable solution for investors looking for stable outperformance after costs, with a low tracking error."


VanEck fastest growing ETF provider

Arian Neiron, VanEck Asia Pacific chief executive and managing director, said the firm had enjoyed that position over the last three years and expected to maintain in the coming year.