
Nine mutual funds get green light for HK

The funds have a net asset value of between 260 million yuan HK$310 million GF Juyou Mixed Assets Fund to 7.43 billion yuan ChinaAMC Return Securities Investment Fund.


Troubled Malaysian fund 1MDB in $1.7bn property sale

Investigators in the US, Switzerland and Hong Kong have all launched probes linked to the fallout from 1MDB’s troubles. 1MDB has said it has found no evidence of criminality in its past multibillion-dollar international dealings from the Middle East


UAE to set up Chinese yuan clearing centre

. Markets | Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:20am EST Related: Currencies, Markets UAE to set up Chinese yuan clearing centre DUBAI Dec 26 The United Arab Emirates plans to establish a centre for clearing transactions in the yuan, the central bank said on Saturday,