
Fee pressure and shifting index patterns

Fee compression is in response to “poor active management performance, a change in the advisor business model away from commissions to fixed fees


Insurance industry must tackle gender balance

Both the Middle East and the Americas highlighted gender equality as a key barrier to overcome, while mental health sits high on the agenda for Europe and the UK, Dive In said.


Boutique wins industry fund mandate

The firm's specific focus on ethical considerations as a core part of the investment process was an important consideration in manager selection, the super fund said.


Businesses warned to avoid dud funds

A live poll conducted at the talk showed 76% of those who participated consider fees to be the most important factor, after performance, when selecting a default super offering.


Crunch time for boutique funds

Zenith Investment Partners head of equities research Quan Nguyen points to the continuing bull market as a reason for boutique launches -- and in offering pointers to what could hamper future ones.


Nomura Individual Investor Survey

The Nomura Individual Investor Survey is a periodic survey conducted with the aim of better understanding investing activity by individuals and providing information on related trends.