
How to Manage DB Plans Through the Crisis

Experts expect the market volatility will continue for an unknown amount of time, so DB plan sponsors must be flexible and find new directions depending on the goals for their plans.


ING rejigs super offering, closes balanced option

Balanced options at superannuation funds have copped advisers' ire in recent months, questioning their high allocations to illiquid assets, low cash and fixed income holdings and high exposure to growth assets.


Super escapes COVID-19 hit

Self-managed super funds were hit in a similar vein to retail funds, realising a loss of $69.7 billion over the quarter.


Super fund to remediate members

The fund did not respond to repeated requests for comment on the total amount, number of members affected, duration of the discrepancy or the fund's solution to safeguard against similar future occurrences.


Southeast Asia investors in risk-off mode

Separately, despite the coronavirus, domestic fund managers in Southeast Asia are expected to form partnerships with foreign players to launch new types of products


Australia only needs 15 super funds: Consultant

"An idealised structure for the superannuation system would have three to five generalist mega-funds and seven to 10 specialised funds, with no fewer than 500,000 members," Right Lane's report reads.