
Super to lose $3tn by 2040

MySuper products are also expected to demonstrate an average return of -0.7% for last financial year - the lowest returns since the Global Financial Crisis.


Early release of super extended

The rules remain similar: people accessing their superannuation will not need to pay tax on amounts released and the money they withdraw will not affect Centrelink and Veterans' Affairs payments, or the JobKeeper Payment.


AltoPartners Adds New Member Firm in Hong Kong

Simeon Fowler is widely regarded as one of most experienced head hunters in the private banking sector and has earned the trust and respect of senior executives in the industry,


ETP market winners reveal

Assets managed in the ETP market increased by 15% or $8.7 billion to reach $65.5 billion by the end of June 2020 quarter.


Emerging Markets in Search of a Fresh Impetus

In the medium to longer-term, the issue facing EMs will morph from immediate containment strategies to structural reforms to offset the potential permanent damage to economies.


Merged First State Super reveals new brand

By consolidating First State Super and StatePlus under a single brand, we can amplify our impact and reduce costs associated with managing multiple brands in market.