
Baker & McKenzie seeks opportunities in ongoing crisis

In an interview during his first visit to Thailand since he took over the chairmanship in November last year, Leite was bullish on the prospect of the emerging world, as firms in several countries including Thailand are spreading businesses overseas.


Former PwC consultant guilty of insider trading

The regulator alleged that at the time Glynatsis acquired the relevant securities and CFDs he possessed inside information he had acquired through internal PwC databases holding confidential client information.


Businessman sues banking giant for 1984 losses

Sabahagchand Choithramanni Gurdas filed a writ in the High Court yesterday that claimed the bank breached a restructuring agreement in 1984 and other agreements, including various mortgages, charges and a guarantee it held as security over assets he owned


Woori plans to compensate investors

The Woori decision is being followed by a move to take a legal action against Citigroup, Bank of America (BoA)-Merrill Lynch and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) with a U.S. court to hold them responsible for losses in derivatives investments of as much as $3


Global law firm opens Beijing office

"This marks the next step in our global strategy of serving the needs of our clients in the major financial markets of the world where they are located and doing business,"