
UBS enters SIV space

UBS has become the latest investment manager to enter the Significant Investor Visa market with the launch of a compliant fund.


Citibank launches Citi Priority for emerging affluent in Hong Kong

Citibank today announced the launch of Citi Priority, a new client segment targeting the emerging affluent, with a digitalized, convenient, simple and efficient banking experience to equip aspirational and financially progressive clients with better contr


Top 10 wealthiest Chinese in the world in 2015

According to the latest data from Hurun Research Institute, billionaires from the Chinese mainland accounted for about 79.5 percent of the Hurun Global Chinese Rich List 2015


BHF Kleinwort Benson keeps mum on offer

The offer was not mentioned in the group's interim results, out just now, but investors and analysts will get an opportunity to talk to management mid-afternoon (UK and European time).


DBS named Asia's Best Wealth Manager

According to The Asset, DBS won the coveted Best Wealth Manager in Asia award because of "the bank's ability to recognise the different requirements of both new and established clients, as well as provide wealth management solutions and services