
UBS Wealth adds HY to ESG strategy

The firm has again partnered with Hermes Investment Management to manage a sustainable product that is exclusive for UBS Wealth clients.


MSCI's China benchmark firms improve ESG ratings

According to Xiaoshu Wang, MSCI’s vice president of ESG research, the improvement shows that Beijing’s new laws and policies to promote better ESG practices and disclosure are beginning to have an effect.


HSBC GAM’s discretionary ESG approach

Fund managers at HSBC Global Asset Management can accept or ignore ESG red flags, but they can’t deny the warnings, according to the firm’s responsible investment specialist.


Collective Commitment to Climate Action

Working together and supporting each other in developing each bank’s capabilities and the necessary methodologies to measure climate impact and alignment with global and local climate goals.


ESG Investing Grows Among Asia's Young and Rich

«In Asia we are seeing a changing of the guard,» Michael Reed, head of Wealth Management, Southeast Asia and chief executive, RBC Singapore, said about the survey findings.