
Rex Patrick wants Cayman links disclosed

The ATO has advised that it is unable to use client data to identify the numbers of Australian companies to the level of specificity or accuracy required to answer these questions


Hong Kong Hedge Funds Caught in Tax Haven Clampdown

Hong Kong hedge funds are particularly affected because they use Cayman investment managers, while offshore management companies have been less popular among European managers in recent years, according to Bloomberg.


Indian firms tapped Mauritius to save on taxes

The African island nation is the main provider of foreign direct investment (FDI) to India and also the preferred jurisdiction for Indian outward investments into Africa.


China tax reforms, wealth planning and wills

After the banking crisis, 10 countries suffered losses in excess of USD100 billion every year through tax evasion, according to 2011 data from the Tax Justice Network.


How our tax system works

It's tax time again: time to start filling out the form or foisting figures and a bunch of receipts on your accountant.


Tax cheat travel ban strengthened

So tax dodgers without a travel document yet can apply for one and leave before the travel ban paperwork has been completed.