
APRA releases MySuper heat map

The prudential regulator has finally published its long-awaited heat map for MySuper products, with deputy chair Helen Rowell saying it's likely many in the industry will feel uncomfortable.


IOOF, ANZ transaction gets green light

The regulator said the decision recognises IOOF's progress in strengthening governance structures and management of conflicts within its existing RSE licensees, in response to additional license conditions imposed by APRA in December 2018.


AMP to cut contribution fees

The first round will see the fees removed from: Flexible Lifetime - Super, Flexible Lifetime - Investment, CustomSuper, Super Directions, Tailored Super and Simple Super.


ASEAN Regulators Are Shoring Up Climate Safeguards: WWF

It details fundamentals changes to the climate and environment that have already had “significant financial repercussions” and to which Southeast Asean countries – and their banks – are particularly exposed.


AMP cuts ongoing advice agreements

At the start of the new AMP annual agreements, clients and advisers will explicitly agree on fee arrangements and the specific services to be provided.


ACCC immunity deal questioned by court

Presiding magistrate Jennifer Giles labelled the prosecution's case as "completely opaque" in terms of the timeline of events and how Galvin was granted immunity.