Nikko Asset Management recognised as best Asia Pacific Equity ETF manager
Nikko AM is the second largest ETF provider in Asia and in tenth position globally.
Nikko AM is the second largest ETF provider in Asia and in tenth position globally.
FWD Group acquired the stake from HSBC Insurance (Asia Pacific) Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings.
The Bond Connect scheme which was launched in July 2017 allows investors in Hong Kong and China to trade fixed income securities in each other’s m
JITA’s figures show that the mutual fund industry’s asset gain was largely driven by public funds, almost 90% of which are invested in stocks.
"The merged entity combines the strength of SGH's & DMPAM's investment performance and research capability, with DMPAM's long history in managing bespoke private client portfolios - including some clients that have been with the fi
The team has launched four strategies so far - safety, water, meta and AI and robotics in Luxembourg-domiciled Natixis International Funds (Lux) I SICAV.
Vision publicly lists Facebook as its second largest stock holding in its international equity portfolio, behind Amazon, representing 1.56% of its portfolio.
Private market capital with varying investment time horizons – including venture capital funds, private equity funds and family office capital, as well as more traditional asset managers seeking reliable private market returns – are looking t
New Zealand's largest insurer, IAG, hit the headlines this month when it become apparent it was taking a more conservative approach towards writing and renewing home and contents policies in Wellington.
Dai-ichi Life is one of the pioneers of such investments in Japan’s insurance industry.
Our new name unifies our brands under a unique and vibrant new identity.
Gross margin increased 1.45 percentage points from a year earlier to 30.86 percent.
Asia’s importance in global trade, helped by China’s ideas, innovation and growth and allied to the Middle East’s drive to improve living standards and diversify should profit every regional bank.
ESOF III will be one of the largest funds in its alternatives business besides its distressed debt and infra funds
Notable achievements in the centre’s business sectors included the 12.5 per cent growth – 1,059 incorporations – in new company incorporation, mainly from the Far East region, with the majority from Japan, China and South Korea.
The Vietnamese-born former vice chancellor of Germany will utilize his experience promoting start-ups in his adopted country to the betterment of his native country
The tender offer period was from January 24, 2019, to March 22, 2019.
The system allows flexible repayment options depending on the cashflow of the business.
Eastspring "is making some reductions in workforce numbers to reflect our changing requirements", the spokesperson tells Asia Asset Management.
Are you statistically better off with old funds?