
YBR partners with top fintech

This year Prospa made the KPMG Fintech100 list, together with ZipMoney and AfterPay Touch in recognition of technology companies pushing the envelope in financial services.


The disruptive impact of Islamic fintech

“The strong complementarities among these technologies are giving rise to an impressive array of new applications touching on services from payments to financing, asset management, insurance, and advice.


UBS Launches Digital Hub

Swiss banking giant UBS inaugurated a new digital centre in Hong Kong. One of its aspirations is to bring wealthy clients and startups closer together to forge collaborations. Based in Kowloon the new unit known as «The Digital Hub» plans to


PwC Says Yes to Bitcoin

The Swiss unit of Ernst & Young (EY) was the first firm of its kind to accept bitcoin for both auditing and advisory services in 2016.


Irish Fintech Expands Into Asia

Research published earlier this year from Munich Re puts the growth of the life insurance industry in Asia’s emerging markets at above 10 percent across 2017-2018.