The technical challenges facing banks through the Open Banking initiative, regulatory change and security concerns is something that naturally lend itself to cloud-based technology, said Unifii CEO Stuart Cameron.
Under the initiative, the regtech committees of the FTAHK (Fintech Association of Hong Kong), SFA (Singapore Fintech Association) and FTJ (Fintech Association of Japan) will jointly convene regular meetings, and increase dialogue and information exchange
Yunfeng Financial is also planning to add China-focused funds managed by mainland managers on their platform, according to Li Ting, the firm’s CEO.
Per media outlet Paxnet, a Shinhan spokesperson said, “This new blockchain solution will let us go on to launch a range of [online] products.”
When developing gini – the first app in Hong Kong to enable the linking of multiple bank accounts and credit cards and logging of expenses, which are presented on one intuitive dashboard – co-founder Raymond Wyand said the aim was to make fina