In the first quarter of 2018, Citibank’s loan portfolio increased by 11 percent compared to the same quarter last year, driven by the growth in the Institutional Banking business.
Sources said the talks were not officially "exclusive", however both parties were keen to pursue a deal and Westpac was not talking to any other potential acquirers. Read more: http://www.afr.com/street-talk/westpac-in-fresh-talks-to-sell-asca
MUFG Bank is a member of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., which has over 2,000 offices in more than 50 countries.
Macquarie Group's platform, wrap and managed accounts businesses performed strongly in the full-year to 31 March 2018, latest financial results show.
Net operating income of $A10,920 million in FY18 was up five per cent on FY17, offset by operating expenses of $A7,456 million, which were up three per cent on FY17.
The Asian Regional Trade and Connectivity Fund will support some of the challenges ADB members face in improving regional integration, such as enabling private sector development and addressing regional public goods.
Standard Chartered posted the highest revenue under the leadership of Mr Winters, who became chief executive in June 2005, while limiting cost increases.
In a statement released to the ASX, ANZ said it had so far budgeted for $50 million in legal costs arising from the commission but said it was, "unable to predict the outcome of the inquiry or its impact on either the bank or the broader industry&