
Lessons for an ageing world

The OECD has calculated that pension, healthcare and long-term care costs will push up public debt as a share of GDP in G20 countries by 180% by 2060, and this could require offsetting tax increases of between 4% and 12% of GDP. 4


Knight Frank on Offices: «The Great Disruption»

As a whole, prime office rental recovery is expected to be slow in 2021, especially in core markets like Hong Kong and Singapore, with a continued decline of up to 3 percent, according to Knight Frank.


AIA under fire for coal holdings

Whilst the campaign is unable to say exactly how much of its $200 billion investment portfolio is invested in coal, it claims the figure is likely between $3 billion and $6 billion.


Banks Divided on the Future of Offices

While some banks are looking to establish remote working conditions as a new permanent standard, others are less convinced about its long-term effects. finews.asia reviews the measures and views from global banks in the region.


Even the Turkey is Worried by Gary Dugan

The markets’ abiding hope is that the good news about a potential vaccine will overcome the near-term bad news about the impact of COVID-19 on global economic activity.