China’s expat tax system: who pays and how does it work?
Chinese law stipulates that individuals who are domiciled in the mainland, or live in the country for a total of 183 days in a tax year, will be categorised as tax residents.
Chinese law stipulates that individuals who are domiciled in the mainland, or live in the country for a total of 183 days in a tax year, will be categorised as tax residents.
A better functioning international tax system is in everyone’s interest.
The aggregate revenue of KPMG member firms in the Middle East & South Asia region grew by 7.8% in US dollar terms for FY21
The Department of Finance, for its part, warned that investors may be provoked to avoid taxes and, worse, leave the Philippines due to a tax regime that punishes wealth.
There are still a number of actions required by the Thai Revenue Department to fully implement the CbC reporting obligation
The key policy objective of this CCIV measure is to increase the competitiveness of Australia’s managed fund industry through the introduction of an internationally recognizable investment structure.
The International Monetary Fund earlier this year called for a wealth tax to compel the rich to pony up for Covid-19 costs.
The agreement is the 34th taxation pact Taiwan has signed with another country, according to the MOF.
Apart from the changes related to payments to NEDs, the updated professional services guide reflects a minor update regarding management services to add in regulatory exclusions from the category of taxable services that entered into effect on 1 September
This raises questions about how effectively the city-state fights financial crime.
Youssry Henien and Rohit Ganguli discuss the implications of Singapore's proposed wealth tax.
The discussions took place through official feedback sessions as well as unofficial meetings over meals, they said.
Hungary is the first Eastern European country to form a trading partnership with Korea.
The GloBE regime forms the second of a two ‘pillar’ international tax agreement reached by 130 countries in June. BEPS 2.0, as it has become know, has since been endorsed by the G20.
If such a wealth tax must be implemented, some cooling measures may have to be rolled back too
China has been targeting the property sector with new restraints
To encourage an inclusive society, it may make sense to shift the balance in the country’s tax structure away from taxing income toward taxing wealth, the publication reported Menon as saying at an Institute of Policy Studies lecture.
Kicking off his career with EY in London in 1999, Barnikel six years later relocated to the Big Four firm’s Sydney office, where he steadily rose the ranks before being promoted to partner in 2016.
The agency said it is looking into people who opened secret offshore accounts to conceal illegally earned money, and companies which evaded taxes by using fintech and other online trading platforms.
All G20 countries, such as the US, UK China and France, did back the agreement.